Access Features

Access features are about an aID-user's access to content on sites using aID. An access feature is something describing what part of the site the user should have access to.

Access features originates from services providing access, like subscription systems, employee access systems etc. These systems define which users should have which access features on which sites. For the access featues to have any effect, the content presentation layer on the sites must check if a user has a particular access_feature or not, and vary the user experience accordingly.

When new access features are introduced, they should be described here as a single truth of available access features.

aID is responsible for aggregating all access features an aID has access to for all sites from all sources of access. aID is also responsible for taking into consideration a user's groups (family or company) and apply rules for shared access.

The complete result for an aID is a list of sites the aID has any access to, and within each site a list of all the access features the user has on that particular site. The list can differ for each site.

A user could for example have sport_premium on , basic on  and pluss,epaper on . This user should not be able to read ePaper on , or watch premium sport content on .

Available access features

  • Access to promotional content not available to all logged in users
  • Filtered from lists of shared sites with access

  • Minimal access to a site that any user with access to a site will have
  • Like promo, but sites with this access will appear in lists of shared sites with access

  • Access to pluss articles on newspaper sites

  • Access to the epaper edition of the printed newspaper (sometimes edition isn't really printed, but this access feature still apply)

  • Used for promotional sport content that should be available to some subscribers, but not most.
  • Filtered from lists of shared sites with access

  • Used for premium sport content that should only be available to subscribers of our premium subscriptions (currently +alt).

  • The user is Amedia staff, and will get access to beta features etc. reserved only for staff

Previous access features

The following access features are no longer in use! If you use them, things will break!
These access features are kept here as a reference, and some time in the future they might make sense again, but before using, discuss and move to previous section.

  • The default access used for access to anything on a newspaper site. Replaced by a combination of pluss and epaper in order to support subscriptions for only pluss.

  • Access to Weekend Magazines, a discontinued pilot.

Special considerations

  • Adding access features is easy, explaining to a user why we sold him a subscription that will not give access to a particular content is not!
  • Access features with the suffix promo will be filtered from lists of sites a user has access to, so only use this for access the user will not value enough to expect to show up in such lists
  • Supporting multiple access features for the same content will add complexity or make caching less efficient